Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Week 07 Homework- Plant Study Drawings

As homework, do at least:
  • 2 filled pages of lay-ins (4+ plants per side; 16 plants minimum); this means looking at your subject and breaking down their general forms. If you look at the demos, the lay-ins stop just before adding heavy detail.
  • 8 filled pages of plant drawings (8 plants minimum), including the study diagrams and notes. Show me that you understand the plants you drew, and that you took the time to really study them. You may want to devote each page to a given plant (Steps #1-4 on one side, Step #5 on the other side).
Take your time, and take as many breaks as you need. No need to rush. I expect this to take you at least eight hours, likely more.
Either draw from life, or use high-resolution reference images. Would recommend taking a trip to the CSUF arboretum to find references. Here's a link to a photo gallery used for the demos:



Step #1) Examining the Structure:

Step #2) Lay-In the Forms

Step #3) Decide your Focal Point (Circle Not Necessary)

Step #4) Add Details, Form, etc.

Step #5) Analyze (On a separate page, draw/take notes of components of plant)

Leafed Plant:


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