Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week 11/ Week 12- Project 03: Animal Drawing Studies


"1 PAGE = Front AND Back Side"

On 11"x14" (min.) drawing paper; use high-resolution photos:

-As homework, I recommend doing at least:
  • 2 pages of birds (each page dedicated to a different species)
  • 4 pages of four non-hooved quadrupeds (wolves, cats, bears, ferrets, etc.) - meaning, pick four subjects and do one full page for each
  • 4 pages of four hooved quadrupeds (horses, deer, antelope, camels - I'll also accept rhinos, elephants, etc. I know they're not hooved, but it's more about the configuration of their bodies that makes me group them together)- meaning, pick four subjects and do one full page for each
    • 2 pages of any animals - you don't have to dedicate a page to any animals, just take this opportunity to try a wide variety of animals (lizards, fish... dinosaurs?)
    • 1 page of hybrids - taking various pieces of reference (preferably ones you had a chance to study over the course of this lesson), try to combine them to make some interesting hybrids

    • Make sure to include a printed page with ALL photo references you used for your animal drawings 

    Take your time, and take as many breaks as you need. No need to rush. I expect this to take you at least eight hours, likely more.
    Either draw from life, or use high-resolution reference images. Google images (be sure to set the size to large under search tools) and pinterest tend to be good sources of reference.


    Additional References:

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